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Our technical cooperation history in the sector of solid waste management in Palestine since 1999:
Message from Project Director
Technical Assistant Project for SWM is targeting developing the technical capacity of the SWM institutions, namely JSCs for SWM, in Palestine. (13, in West Bank and 2 in Gaza).
This Project overall goal is aiming at realization of waste reduction of waste amount is over Palestine through implementing the Waste Reduction Program (minimization of waste generation and various waste diversions from the waste stream flowing into landfills), and sustainable solid waste management systems are established in consideration of environment and society.
This goal is planned to be achieved through several Activities for minimizing waste generation and waste diversion throughout Palestine, an initial draft of National Waste Reduction Program will be recommended to the National Committee of Solid Waste Management by MoLG. where each JSC will prepare and start implementing a plan for minimizing waste generation, verification of effectiveness of methodologies of reduction in waste generation, waste diversion, reduction of waste disposed and appropriate disposal measures, drafting Law on 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) promotion is drafted for MoLG, and bylaws, regulations, standards, institutional design and/or guidelines necessary for promoting 3R practices, proposing for the next National Waste Management Strategy (2023-2027). a National Waste Reduction Program including awareness raising program and appropriate SWM system designs for the entire Palestine, enhancing the Capacity for 3R promotion activities in MoLG-DJSC and JSCs, and support the JSCs in west bank and Gaza through providing PPE personal protection materials and equipment, during COVID-19 pandemic.
We in MoLG would like to thank Japan Government, JICA, especially the Project Chief Advisor and the working teams, the Japanese and Palestinian experts supporting friends who are devoting their experience, efforts and funds for helping the Palestinian people to make their life better through their support for improving solid waste management system in Palestine.
13th Aug. 2020
Dr. Tawfiq Budeiri, Project Director
Deputy Minster, Ministry of Local Government
Face Book page MoLG
Face Book page JSC_Today
2020-2023 Project for Capacity Development in SWM in Palestine (Phase-III)
It can be found that a drastic increase of population and
urbanization is occurring in Palestine (West Bank: 3 million, Gaza: 2 million). There is also a rapid increase of solid waste generation in the area (West Bank: 2,190 t/d, Gaza: 1,400 t/d). However Palestine is facing a lack of final disposal sites, where sanitary landfills (two in West Bank, two in Gaza) remain limited capacities, around 2 to 5 years. There are still many random open-dumpsites in the central part of West Bank and northern part of Gaza Strip. Drastic waste reduction, waste minimization at source and waste diversion, is required.
As shown in the top figure, Previous JICA cooperation (Grant Aid and Technical Cooperation projects) mainly focused on the improvement of waste collection service, and it was almost achieved; 91.5 % to the population. However, although the amount of landfilled waste is increasing, new construction of sanitary landfills is extremely difficult, and little cooperation has been undertaken regarding waste reduction so far.
In the Phase III project, waste reduction methods that meet Palestinian conditions will be examined, and their effectiveness and efficiency will be verified by pilot projects.
2015-2019 Project for Technical Assistance in SWM in Palestine (Phase-II)
In the West Bank, Palestine, around 79,000 tons of waste/month (0.6kg/capita/day) is currently generated. Solid waste collection in West Bank is generally conducted by Joint Service Councils (JSCs) in 11 Governorates which consist of Local Government Units (LGUs). Collected wastes are planned to be transported to three designated sanitary landfills, namely, Zahrat Al Finjan landfill, Jenin (Operating), Al Menya landfill, Bethlehem (Operating) and Ramoon landfill, Ramallah (under planning) across the individual JSCs. For proper waste collection and final disposal, General Directorate of Joint Service Council (DJSC) in the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) is in the position to support, supervise and coordinate the JSCs activities. However, there is a significant gap among JSCs’ capacity.
In the Preparatory Survey for the ongoing Grant Aid Project “Capacity Enhancement on Solid Waste Management in the West Bank in Palestine (2012)”, based on the capacity assessment study for all existing JSCs in the West Bank, only five JSCs could be selected for target JSCs of the Grant Aid. Other JSCs could not be selected because of insufficient capacity. It was also recognized that enhancement of MoLG’s capacity is necessary in order to promote JSCs activities in SWM, otherwise the significant gap among JSCs’ capacity cannot be solved. Under this situation, the Ministry of Local Government requested a new technical cooperation project for the need of capacity development of MoLG in order to realize a sound environmental solid waste management system by JSCs equally over the Palestine.
Technical Cooperation Project between MoLG and JICA
Present Technical cooperation project titled “Technical Assistance in Solid Waste Management in Palestine” (hereinafter referred as “the Project”) was planned for supporting capacity development of MoLG and relevant authority in solid waste management policies, standards, guidelines and plans which will be applied across JSCs in the West Bank and all over Palestine. In the proposed Project, five JSCs (Tubas, Qalqiliya, Nablus, Northeast & Southeast Jerusalem, and Northwest & North Jerusalem) will be targeted for capacity strengthening program to equalize the level of SWM services by JSCs in Palestine. These activities will be conducted under the National Strategy for SWM.
The Project has been officially agreed between Mr. Nayef Abu Khalaf, Minister of MoLG, Dr. Shukry Bishara, Minister of MoPAD, and Mr. Izumi TANAKA, Chief Representative of JICA, as the Record of Discussion (R/D) with Project Design Matrix (PDM (ver.0)) and Plan of Operation (PO) dated at 22 September 2014.
The present PDM (version3.1) was defined by 4th Joint Coordination Comittee:
Project Leaflet and Newsletters
- Introductory Leaflet of the Project (English/Arabic)
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 1
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 2
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 3
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 4
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 5
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 6
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 7
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 8
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 9
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 10
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 11
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 12
- Project Newsletter "JSC Today" Vol. 13